Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Negatives of the Plus Side

Why is it that PLUS is always a good thing, unless it's to do with weight?

You know, when you're at a restaurant and you're looking at the menu you see:

1 appetizer, 2 entrees PLUS a dessert for ??.??!!!!

You're all excited! ??.?? for all of that food PLUS some chocolate! OMG YES.


When you're shopping in your favorite store you see:

50% OFF PLUS! an extra 25% OFF the LOWEST marked PRICE!

You know you're all excited, don't even try to deny it. It thrills me. I got a 50$ dress for 8$ at one of those Plus Sales. Can you say score? Say it with me: SCORE!

Those are only two examples but I'm sure there are loads more. The point is, why is all of that good but then when you're shopping, and you're like me, you have to go into the PLUS SECTION. There should be cupcakes handed out if I have to have a special section. No, it doesn't make me feel special, it makes me feel abnormal and unwanted. The reject of the family. Effe you, stores. (Except Maurice's cause you're my fave.)

And since when is size 14 a PLUS size? Are you kidding me? Last time I checked an 18 was PLUS. I think people are doing that to scare kids into being healthy. If no one keeps an eye on that, it's going to be that a size 8 is a PLUS size and everyone else is normal. Way to go, modeling agencies. If your so called 'It Girls' weren't a size -10, I think we'd be alright. It's not healthy if I can count your ribs. Or your vertebrae. And OMG, WHAT IS THAT? Oh, your liver? That's cool.

Before we know it, we're going to be seeing people's food moving through their bowels. Seriously, it might be gross to think about but it's going to happen if we're not careful with what we consider 'normal' or 'attractive' when it comes to weight. It's something I'll never understand about models. They're supposed to be showing us what the clothes for the new season, or whatever, will look like. But, no one really looks like that. You might as well put the clothes on a stick figure and flounce it down the runway, it'll probably look the same. Seriously.

Furthermore... Stores, if you're going to have a PLUS section, you need to cut your clothes for a bigger girl. Don't just make it a bigger size. Chances are, if a girl weighs more, her hips and thighs are not going to be shaped the same way a girl who weighs 25lbs less thighs are shaped. For example, Old Navy - I love their clothes sometimes but... I tried a shirt on in there that was supposed to be a XL and I swear it could have fit someone who wears a M. I'm not even kidding. Don't just add a little more fabric, change the way you design the clothing.

Maurices, mentioned above, actually does a wonderful job with the cut of their clothes. The only issue I've ever had with their clothes are the jeans. Their dress pants, skirts, shirts and blazers fit like a dream - I don't feel PLUS sized in them. I feel confident and like I look good. It's how you're supposed to feel when you wear clothes, not like you're crammed into a shirt 4 sizes too small. Also, Maruices' shoes are really comfortable. I have four pair of their shoes and I love them all. In fact, I'm doing a really good job of replacing my entire closet with clothes from that store. You can find a link to the wonderful site here!

You should all go there and shop because they're having a BOGO sale. I love sales.

Until next time, remember that there's always a plus side.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Relationships Are Hard

Relationships are hard. They are, there's no question about that. Be it a relationship with a friend or something with someone you are, or want to be, romantically involved with. Even 'skinny' people have this problem, right?

What my problem is, being the size I am with the personality I have - not terribly out going or talkative when I'm uncomfortable or don't know people - making new friends and/or finding a boyfriend is very, very, hard. It seems like no one wants to look at someone like me when there are other, read: skinnier, girls to look at. It's really painful and it makes going out difficult and terribly uncomfortable.

Let's talk about making friends, first.

I'm 24 years old and the people I consider my 'best' friends, are the girls I was friends with in high school. I didn't make friends very well in college and since I don't go out very much, I don't really make friends. Period. I have friends I've met through writing and, while they are terribly important to me and I love them all deeply, they are HOURS or even COUNTRIES away. It's sad, really.

Am I considering moving to a different state to be closer to the people I could be friends with and not feel totally selfconscious? Yes. Does the idea of moving that far away from my family scare me? I could pee my pants.

Part of the reason I don't go out is because I'm self conscious. I know this and I know I need to work on it but working on it is hard and uncomfortable.

The other part is that I don't like to go out and have people looking at me. Is that part of being self conscious?

I think I feel that, if I just don't go out and I wait until I've lost the weight I want to, it'll be easier and I'll feel more confident. But, until then, it makes for a relatively lonely existence - and living on 'what if' is like living on air, you'll survive but you'll starve to death. I think that if I didn't live with my parents, I wouldn't really see people. I'd hide away in my apartment and read. Now, considering the state of the world, that doesn't really sound too bad. I like Harry Potter and Anita Blake a lot. I could live vicariously through their imaginary worlds.

Moving on to boys.

Boys are...dumb. They really are. I don't think I'll ever understand them.

The boys that do look at me, just look at me for sex or something of the like. I'm sorry, they make blowup dolls for that. Or, they're old. Or creepers. Or really young. For example: There's a boy that works at my building who has a crush on me. I've had multiple people tell me that. He actually asked me out the other day - a lesson in politely turning someone down. Awkward: 1 vs Jessica: 0.

He's really nice and he entertains me, but he's a baby. I'm not even kidding, like 17. And he's really short. (I know, I know, beggars can't be choosers. But, I'm not begging.) He's just not the type of boy I'd take home to meet my family.

I think all the reading has gotten to me. I have an image in my head of the type of guy I want to be with and he's probably a fictional character that I've read about in one of the thousands of books I've been through. Damn you, romantic novels! Putting myths about good men into my head. The good ones are either gay or taken, didn't you know that, fiction writers? Stop giving me dreams of grandeur!

Ah, well. Good things come to those who wait, right? Or is it something about if you wait too long, the chocolate melts? I don't know. Oooo, chocolate.

What have I learned?
Stop being a baby. Go out and do things. Try to make friends. It's not going to kill you, even if it extraordinarily uncomfortable. Hey, if my shy and quiet cousin in Georgia can join a Sorority, I can go out sometimes and try to make friends, right? Right.

Until next time,

So Far: -6/50 :: No change but at least I haven't gained. Should eat less chocolate.

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Gym

Post a pretty lengthy conversation, via e-mail, with my friend Wendy, I have discovered what it is that I don't like about working out at a gym.

There are multiple things but a few to start:

1. Sweaty people.

Yes, sweaty people. I don't like the idea that other sweaty people have been rolling and rubbing up against whatever machine I'm about to be using. The idea grosses me out more than I can sufficiently express. Think about it! It's nasty.

2. Being Dirty.

I really don't like to be dirty. It's icky. Being sweaty counts as being dirty because dust and dirt and other unclean things stick to you when you're sweaty. They do, it's not my imagination. I swear. I don't even like to go outside for this reason. Bugs, getting dirty and sweaty and...bugs. Seriously. Bugs.

3. Being Watched.

Hello, people! This is NOT Biggest Loser. I do not need you to watch me walk on the treadmill or try to run on it. I'm aware of my pace, trust me. You don't need to study my treadmill walking form, even though it's spectacular. I've got this under control. You're free to go back to watching yourself bulge in the mirror, sicko.

Seriously, the last time I was in a gym and trying, yes trying, to use the triceps machine, there was a dude on the Thigh Master cooing at himself in the mirror. I couldn't help but look. He was talking to his thighs about how beautiful they were. See why it was my last visit to the gym? Yellow spandex is not a good look for anyone, Arnold, your thong was showing.

4. Really Skinny Women Complaining They're Fat.

I want to punch you in the face. Your size 2 ass is a wee big for those size 0 jeans. Shut up and eat a cookie.

..... I am going to continue on with my list because you don't want to read my ranting and raving about 'skinny people being fat.' It really annoys me. Eat your cookie like a good little girl and then grab a handful. You'll survive. It'll be good for you.

6. People Who Have Always Been Skinny Trying to Tell an Overweight Person They Understand.

Are you kidding me? You know what it's like to be bigger than all of your friends growing up and having to shop in the Old Lady Store for a prom dress because you can't fit your little finger into the biggest dress they've got in the Trendy Store? I don't think so. This makes me avoid gyms like they're the plague more than anything else.

You have no idea what it's like to be overweight. You've always been a size 4. Don't pretend you can understand my issues if you've never lived through something even remotely similar. Just because you have an overweight friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend's-cousin's-friend, doesn't mean you know what it's like.

I shall now stop my ranting and return back to the important issues at hand. Ready, Go!

I've been meal planning! Last night, we made a sort of healthy pasta and chicken casserole. I'm going to have that for lunch tomorrow. Today, I have the red curry that I made Thursday afternoon. Last night, I made another frittata and warmed some turkey sausage. I had that for breakfast on a Thomas' Whole Grain, Light English Muffin. It was delicious and inexpensive. Yay for not having to stop to get breakfast!

I was going to label today's post 'Loss and How To Deal' but the topic of the gym came up with Wendy this morning and I got to ranting to her so I decided to just move that rant here. I was going to talk about my experience with the gym eventually anyway so today is just as good a day as any.

Why this post was going to be about 'loss' is because I've lost 6lbs in 14 days! I'm really, really proud of myself. See? Just because I have an affair doesn't mean it's going to cost me. I'm doing really well, feeling really positive and just trying to keep thinking forward. I think part of the reason I want to keep doing well is because it makes me feel better about myself. I don't really care about who's looking at me or what they're thinking - okay, I do sometimes - but I'm trying to learn to think positively about myself. Just because I'm bigger than some doesn't mean I'm not beautiful. It doesn't mean I'm not worth while. It doesn't mean I'm any different than the size 2 girl in size 0 jeans.

Until next time - and thanks for sticking with me so far,

So Far: -6/50

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Eggs and Chocolate

I've done good. This week was pretty good. I stayed under/at my point range for the day and didn't use any of my extra points so that's a certain plus.

Now, breakfast is really hard because I'm not a huge egg fan. The consistency of eggs are... GAH. But, I can eat them occasionally. Since I don't work on Fridays, I have to fend for myself for food. And that can be a problem since there's no one here to check me and what I'm eating. It's fine; not a problem, not really. But, in the spirit of change, I've started to make my own breakfast.

Friday morning I made a frittata! Kinda.

Mushrooms, tomatoes and onions all simmered down with chicken broth. When the tomatoes were popped and the onions had begun to cook down, I covered it with 3tbsps of egg whites and let that cook for a while. I sprinkled in a little cheese and scrambled everything together. It was delicious!

Without the added egg...

Weight Watcher Points: 1 per serving.

I'm not really a huge mushroom fan but I've been trying to eat them more because they are good for me, I know that and I want the vitamins from them. That, and they're sorta meaty and can be really good. But, in my scrambled egg frittata, they were delicious. Maybe cooking them with chicken broth is my way to go?

Does anyone have any good recipes that have to do with mushrooms?

While the week was really good and Friday was great...

This weekend has been hard. Really hard, actually. I must be getting close to my *ahem* lady-troubles time because my affair with chocolate has been all-ruling. There are M&Ms, chocolate chip cookies and chocolate bars in my house. Oh, and there's ice cream... While I know I don't need them... I've been craving it. Big time.

Le sigh.

It's okay, though. I've been eating it in moderation. Because, let's be honest, we all know that if we deny ourselves something, we're going to scarf it down when no one is looking like it's our job. I'll do it, most of the ladies i know would do it... Oh, what am I talking about? We all do it. I'd rather eat a piece here and a piece there instead of shoveling in 14 pieces later.

Though, to curb my pillaging of chocolate, I've made Fluff. If you've never had it/made it, then there's something you need to experience. Here's your recipe:

2 (8oz) containers of fat-free Cool Whip
2 (8oz) containers of fat-free Yogurt*
2 (20oz) cans of crushed pineapple
2 (3.5oz) boxes of fat-free vanilla instant pudding

Drain excess juice from pineapple and reserve.
Mix Cool Whip and Yogurt together in a large bowl.
Add in drained pineapple.
Sprinkle in instant pudding and stir together well. (I'd suggest one packet at a time.)
If your mixture is too thick, add in some of the juice you've saved and mix.

Chill and serve.

Yield: 10 cups
Serving: 1 cup

*I like to use Greek Yogurt. It adds more protein and helps the Fluff thicken up and it doesn't get too runny. I don't like runny Fluff.

Weight Watcher Points: 2

I know it's not chocolate but I'm going to try making chocolate Fluff next week and I'll certainly post the recipe and how it came out.

Tomorrow is weigh-in day and I'm a little nervous. I know I've been good but the idea of weighing myself to find that I haven't lost anything, even though I've tried really hard, is kinda daunting. But, like I've said from the beginning... There are going to be days where I don't feel like dieting. Yesterday was one of those days. I'm hoping it doesn't effect my weigh-in tomorrow, but if it does, it does.

What have I learned this week?
Healthy food can still be really good. Dieting doesn't mean don't eat, it just means eat wisely. It doesn't mean I can't have chocolate, it means I can have chocolate just in moderation. Angie said on Wednesday that 'Moderation is moderation.' Too much of a good thing can really be *too* much.

Until next time,

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Red Curry with Tofu

As I posted previously, I'm not a very domesticated person and part of my New Years resolution is to learn to cook. Working where I do, being overweight is a little awkward. I work at a 'Fitness Clinic' for kids and whenever I meet the families, I feel like they're looking at me going, "Really? You work here?" It's not an awesome feeling so I'm going to change it.

I know I shouldn't let how I think other people are percieving me have an effect on me but sometimes you just cant help it. One of the first things I've made since deciding I'm going to start cooking more is Red Curry with Tofu. My friend Angie is a registered dietitian and she makes all of these delicious-looking foods that are really healthy. Red Curry is one of them.

Ingredients you'll need if you decide to attempt:
3 or 4 Medium Onions (More or less, depending on how much you like)
4 Medium Squash
2 Medium Zucchini
1 Large Red Pepper
1 Large Orange Pepper
1 Large Yellow Pepper
2 or 3 Garlic Cloves
1 or 2 Cartons of Extra Firm Tofu
Olive Oil Spray
Sea Salt
Red Curry Paste - I like Thai Kitchen
Sriracha Chili Sauce - I like Thai Kitchen
1 Can of Coconut Milk (13.7floz) - I like Thai Kitchen
1 Large Carton of Fat Free, Low Sodium Chicken Broth - I use Swanson


Preheat Oven to 450*.

Cut up all of your veggies, including garlic, into good sized chunks. Put them on a baking sheet and cover well with the olive oil spray. Sprinkle with sea salt and pepper. Put them into the oven for about 10-15 minutes until they're browning up and the onions are soft. You should really be able to smell the garlic.

Ready to go into the oven:


Drain the water off of the tofu and gently press with a folded up paper towel until most of the moisture is gone. Cut into slices and then into bite-sized pieces. Marinate for 20-30 minutes in the Sriracha Chili Sauce. 


Put the marinated tofu onto a baking sheet and into the oven on 450 for 8-10 minutes until browning. Turn them and put back in for 5 minutes. It will be disgusting and you'll have wasted money. Not cool.

Coconut Milk: 

While your veggies and tofu are in the oven, pour half of your coconut milk into a large sauce pan on medium heat - make sure you shake the can well before you open it. Otherwise, you'll have milky water with some awkward white mass floating on top. IMPORTANT: DO NOT BOIL YOUR COCONUT MILK. It will be disgusting and you'll have wasted money. Not cool. When the coconut milk is simmering, add half of your jar of red curry paste and mix it into the milk. Add the rest of the coconut milk and allow to cook for 5 minutes, again without boiling. Add the entire carton of chicken broth.

Coconut Milk with Red Curry Paste simmering:

Continue to let simmer until the flavors marry.

Remove your veggies and tofu from the oven and add to your large sauce pan. Allow them to simmer on the stove for a few minutes, long enough to allow the red curry to mingle with the veggies and tofu.

Serve in bowls, grab your spoons and go!

Congratulations! You made Red Curry with Tofu! See? It's not that hard. And, it's delicious.

Finished Product:

Warming: This makes a lot and, depending on how much Sriracha sauce you put on the tofu, it can be spicy! If you don't want a whole lot, you can fix the recipe to match however much you'd like to make. If you don't like spicy food, don't use the Sriracha but the curry won't have a whole lot of flavor.

Notes: If you add a lot of veggies, you need to make sure you have sufficient liquid.

Additions: Can be served over rice. It's very good. Just, if you're on any sort of diet, beware of the type of rice. I'm a huge fan of brown rice or long grain, wild rice.

Weight Watchers Points:
Without rice: 3pts per serving (about 1.5 cups)
With white rice: 5pts per serving (about 1.5 cups of Red Curry with 1/2 cup of rice)



Weight has always been an issue for me post-puberty. I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (learn more) a few years ago and am on medications for that but medication doesn't solve everything. Diet and exercise are important as well, as much as I'm loathe to adimit it. I detest to exercise but have recently come to an understanding that it has an importance in everyday life.

When walking up the stairs becomes too exerting, you've got a problem. Luckily, I don't have that problem yet. Yet being the key word in this one-sided conversation. I don't want to have that problem. Ever. So, now is the time to get started on changing my life-style.

Ew. Change.

That's a pretty terrifying word for only being six letters. There are very few people who actually like change and I am not one of them. While I understand its necessity in somethings, when it comes to my habbits, I don't like it to have a niche.

Didn't like. Didn't like it to have a niche. We're being proactive and positive here.

It's time for change and that time isn't tomorrow or the Monday after next, that time is now. Today. This instant.

I've decided that, while I respect and can agree with some aspects of that scary word, there are somethings I'd like to keep the same and so in the spirit of New Years, I've joined Weight Watchers. Yes, yes, I know. It's the first of the year and everyone makes the resolution to loose weight. Well, guess what, I have actually lost weight. 3.5 pounds in ten days. You know what? I'm okay with that. I don't have a deadline for the amount of weight I want to lose, I just want it to happen.

Though, I'd like to lose 50 pounds by October. From today on, I have 262 days to lose 50 pounds. If I continue to shed 3.5 pounds in 10 days, I could lose 90lbs by October. I would be more than happy with that. But, let's be realisitic - we're all friends here - that is not going to happen. There will be days where I just don't feel like it. There are going to be days where I'm not into dieting or cooking and I want a double cheese burger with large fries and a massive soda for dinner. With a frosty for dessert.

Then there's the whole topic of chocolate. I'm a woman and I have an affair with chocolate. It's not secret, not by any means, but it's still an affair. I cheat on my diet with chocolate. I always have and I probably always will. I mean, ladies, it's chocolate. It's delicious. It melts in your mouth and is all creamy and delicious and... I may be drooling. Just a little bit.

Back to the point. This blog is going to be about my journey through learning to cook, learning more about the person I am, and my trials and tribulations with the beast known as CHANGE.

Until next time - all my best!

So far: -3.5 / 50