Monday, January 14, 2013

The Gym

Post a pretty lengthy conversation, via e-mail, with my friend Wendy, I have discovered what it is that I don't like about working out at a gym.

There are multiple things but a few to start:

1. Sweaty people.

Yes, sweaty people. I don't like the idea that other sweaty people have been rolling and rubbing up against whatever machine I'm about to be using. The idea grosses me out more than I can sufficiently express. Think about it! It's nasty.

2. Being Dirty.

I really don't like to be dirty. It's icky. Being sweaty counts as being dirty because dust and dirt and other unclean things stick to you when you're sweaty. They do, it's not my imagination. I swear. I don't even like to go outside for this reason. Bugs, getting dirty and sweaty and...bugs. Seriously. Bugs.

3. Being Watched.

Hello, people! This is NOT Biggest Loser. I do not need you to watch me walk on the treadmill or try to run on it. I'm aware of my pace, trust me. You don't need to study my treadmill walking form, even though it's spectacular. I've got this under control. You're free to go back to watching yourself bulge in the mirror, sicko.

Seriously, the last time I was in a gym and trying, yes trying, to use the triceps machine, there was a dude on the Thigh Master cooing at himself in the mirror. I couldn't help but look. He was talking to his thighs about how beautiful they were. See why it was my last visit to the gym? Yellow spandex is not a good look for anyone, Arnold, your thong was showing.

4. Really Skinny Women Complaining They're Fat.

I want to punch you in the face. Your size 2 ass is a wee big for those size 0 jeans. Shut up and eat a cookie.

..... I am going to continue on with my list because you don't want to read my ranting and raving about 'skinny people being fat.' It really annoys me. Eat your cookie like a good little girl and then grab a handful. You'll survive. It'll be good for you.

6. People Who Have Always Been Skinny Trying to Tell an Overweight Person They Understand.

Are you kidding me? You know what it's like to be bigger than all of your friends growing up and having to shop in the Old Lady Store for a prom dress because you can't fit your little finger into the biggest dress they've got in the Trendy Store? I don't think so. This makes me avoid gyms like they're the plague more than anything else.

You have no idea what it's like to be overweight. You've always been a size 4. Don't pretend you can understand my issues if you've never lived through something even remotely similar. Just because you have an overweight friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend's-cousin's-friend, doesn't mean you know what it's like.

I shall now stop my ranting and return back to the important issues at hand. Ready, Go!

I've been meal planning! Last night, we made a sort of healthy pasta and chicken casserole. I'm going to have that for lunch tomorrow. Today, I have the red curry that I made Thursday afternoon. Last night, I made another frittata and warmed some turkey sausage. I had that for breakfast on a Thomas' Whole Grain, Light English Muffin. It was delicious and inexpensive. Yay for not having to stop to get breakfast!

I was going to label today's post 'Loss and How To Deal' but the topic of the gym came up with Wendy this morning and I got to ranting to her so I decided to just move that rant here. I was going to talk about my experience with the gym eventually anyway so today is just as good a day as any.

Why this post was going to be about 'loss' is because I've lost 6lbs in 14 days! I'm really, really proud of myself. See? Just because I have an affair doesn't mean it's going to cost me. I'm doing really well, feeling really positive and just trying to keep thinking forward. I think part of the reason I want to keep doing well is because it makes me feel better about myself. I don't really care about who's looking at me or what they're thinking - okay, I do sometimes - but I'm trying to learn to think positively about myself. Just because I'm bigger than some doesn't mean I'm not beautiful. It doesn't mean I'm not worth while. It doesn't mean I'm any different than the size 2 girl in size 0 jeans.

Until next time - and thanks for sticking with me so far,

So Far: -6/50

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